We are all off work/school today. In Sweden, May 1st, is a national holiday for workers. The entire country pretty much shuts down, except for IKEA. Sorry IKEA workers! We really needed to get that dresser for the baby today. Since we had some extra time I thought I would make cinnamon rolls. The ones you can buy here are just not the same! They usually have cardamom in them and no icing, just big sugar crystals on the top. I was really craving some American style cinnamon rolls. I searched all over the internet for a full proof dough and settled on this recipe from the Pioneer Woman. I really spent my time researching, pretty much every blogger ever has tried this recipe with success. All 830 comments on her post were positive reviews. There was no kneading involved, I figured I couldn't go wrong. Last night, I stayed up late getting the dough ready for a slow rise overnight in the fridge. This morning I woke up at 5am and couldn't fall back to sleep so I decided to go ahead and make those cinnamon rolls! The dough looked beautiful, rolled out easily, everything seemed to be going perfectly.
I did create a giant mess, but I was planning on dealing with that later. I even made the full batch so I could freeze 3-4 pans worth of cinnamon rolls for later, easy breakfast after the baby is born. I let them rise for the second time in the pan and put them in the oven for the 15-18 minutes they were supposed to cook for. They came out golden brown and delicious looking. I let them cool for a few minutes and then iced them. Everyone was STILL sleeping. I thought, what the heck, I am eating one! I dug it out of the pan and....boom....RAW! The bottoms and the middles were completely raw! Ugh!! I put the pans back in for 5 more minutes and checked again...raw. 10 more minutes...raw. I decided I needed to take some drastic measures. I took them out of the pan and put them on a baking sheet not touching and back into the oven. 5 more minutes...still raw. 10 more minutes...still raw. 50 minutes later I still had raw bottoms and middles. I gave up! I turned off the oven, left them in there and went back to bed. When I got up, about an hour later, they were still in the oven and not raw this time. Nope, not raw, but hard as rocks. The kids and Hannes ate some, they said they were good, but I am too angry! I just want a darn cinnamon roll!
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