Wednesday, July 9, 2014

One Year Old!!!

How did this happen?  How is my baby 1?!?!  It is crazy how quickly time flies!  We don't have a real camera...we take all of our pictures on our iPhones.  So, for Henry's birthday we asked Hannes' brother to take some pictures for us.  We haven't seen any of them yet so when we do I will update with some of those pictures.

Henry's Stats

Weight: 9.6 kilos
Height: 74.8 cm
Head circumference: 46.7
Teeth: 8, but we have 2 more trying to pop through on the top
Favorite foods: strawberries and watermelon (this boy LOVES fruit!)

What Henry's been up to:

Henry has been up to so much lately!  He's gone from walking to full on running...which means that when he falls (and he's always falling!  boys!) he lands a little harder than he did before.  I feel so bad for his hands, knees and head!  He always gets right up and keeps going though!  I'm sure his falling is harder on me than it is on him.  Henry  loves the library!  At home, he will sit down and read all of his books and look at all of the pictures in them.  At the library, however, he only runs around and pulls all of the books out.  He will not sit down or read a single book.  

Henry LOVES rocks!  I have never seen a child more obsessed with anything, ever!  If he's walking outside and sees a rock he has to stop and pick it up.  He really loves the big ones and will sometimes have 3 or 4 in each hand.  When we were in Denmark recently we stopped at a rock beach.  I think Henry was a little overwhelmed.  He wasn't sure how he was going to get so many rocks in his hands!  I swear he traded them out 3 or 4 times to make sure that he had just the rocks that he wanted.

I just had a little bout of deja vu and I feel like I've written some of this last month, but hopefully no one minds reading it again!

Henry has become quite the talker!  He talks almost nonstop.  His word for boo, bowl, bottle and button all sound the same, but we can usually figure out what he's talking about.  He also started saying something that sounds like "big ole, big ole, pickle or tickle" something like that, at least to me.  One day, he was hiding in his favorite corner and just talking and I was able to get some of it on video.  Normally, once he sees that you're taking a photo or video he runs over wanting to look at the screen so he can see what's going on...which makes it impossible to take a picture or a video!

Henry also had his first experience swimming when we were in Denmark.  Hannes' grandma bought Henry the cutest little baby pool.  It was just the right size!  He loved that thing!  He would climb in and out over and over again and then sit down and splash and play with his toys.

Thanks for the swimming clothes Aunt Jessie!

During my baby shower...a long time ago!  Everyone took turns writing cards to the baby in my belly.  At that time, we didn't even know it was going to be a boy...much less our wild, crazy Henry Tage!  Aunt Jessie got the first birthday card.  Henry was really excited to eat the card!  But I think it is going to be really fun opening these for the next, like 23 years!

Henry also had his first taste of sugar on his 1st birthday!  I made some really delicious greek yoghurt cupcakes with blackberry frosting.  At first, he was a little skeptical about eating the cupcake, but as soon as he had his first real taste he dug in!  Since then, he's rarely had sugar, but sometimes you get desperate when traveling.  We had a hard time finding food for him to eat at some of the restaurants we ate at in Germany so he ended up eating this cinnamon danish...basically, a flattened cinnamon roll for quite a few meals.  Now that we're back home it's back to real food for him!

What Mommy's been up to:

We finally had our first night away from our little guy!  For my birthday, Hannes' parents and grandparents got us a night at a fancy hotel in Copenhagen.  They watched Henry and we spent the night away.  Hannes' parents, grandparents, his brother - Henrik, his girlfriend - Ida, his cousin - Tim and his girlfriend- Jessica were all there to help!  We weren't worried at all.  Henry really loves people and with so many people giving him attention we knew he would have a blast!  While we were gone Hannes' brother posted this photo of my sweet boy on Instagram:

Of course, I was then worried about what was going on!  Just kidding!  It did make me miss that cute, chunky face though.

I'm still working on weaning this guy.  Every morning after he wakes up he gets into bed with us, nurses and then snuggles for about 30 minutes until one of us gets up with him to make him breakfast.  Some days, that is the only time he nurses.  If we're busy and doing stuff and he eats well then he doesn't even ask to nurse at all.  Some days, though, he wants to nurse every few hours.  Most of the time if I tell him no or go and make him a snack he just forgets about it and keeps going on about his life.  Other times, he will continue to beg and cry and try to pull my shirt up until I let him nurse.  I figure that whatever breast milk he's still getting is negating all of the brain damage he's doing by always banging his head!  I would like to wean him completely as soon as possible, but I am being patient and only nursing when he really wants to and can't be distracted by anything else.

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