Friday, April 17, 2015

One Month Old!

I wish the last month of my pregnancy had flown by so quickly!  I absolutely cannot believe that Carson is one month old already!

Carson's Birth Stats

Weight: 3.8 kilos
Height: 50 cm
Head circumference: Not sure

Carson's One Month Stats

Weight: 5.175 kilos
Height: 54.8 cm
Head circumference: 38.2 cm

What Carson's been up to:

This first month has been a little trying.  We were having some issues with breastfeeding, I was having pain and Carson was sucking in a lot of air.  After some googling I thought he may have a tongue and lip tie.  We went and saw the doctor and had it confirmed.  The frenulum that attaches his upper lip to his gums was a little tight and he wasn't able to flip his lip up properly to latch on.  When he was 8 days old we had that snipped by an ENT.  Then, he caught a cold from his brother.  Then, we found out he had thrush.  Now, everything is finally going smoothly!  He can still have a hard time latching on and sometimes sucks in quite a bit of air, but he doesn't seem bothered at all by it, thankfully!  The last thing I need is a colicky baby! 

Carson is a great sleeper!  He wakes every 2 - 3 hours to nurse, but since he's in bed with us I can get him started and then go back to sleep.  He rarely cries; I think I've heard him cry, cry once and mildly cry 3 -4 times.  Although, he is really babied so I don't think he has anything to cry about!

Henry has been a great big brother!  He constantly calls him, "My baby" or "Mina meme" in Henry language.  He asks to hold him on his lap (which usually consists of holding him, but completely ignoring him and watching tv).  He's also been extremely patient when it comes to waiting for something or not being able to do something because I'm feeding or changing  Carson or whatever.  

He's quite the sleeping beauty!

He can definitely get the crazy eyes!  This isn't even the craziest his eyes can get.  One of them can also be a little lazy, but I'm hoping that goes away!

I still can't decide if he looks like Henry or not.  He definitely looks more like than me than like Hannes though.

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