Friday, May 31, 2013


We met with our midwife, Hanna, yesterday.  I was secretly hoping that we would not make it to this appointment.  I thought it would for sure be the very last time that we met with her, while pregnant, at least.  However, I was wrong.  While we were there she scheduled one last appointment for us.  I did not write it down or save it in my calendar on my phone.  I am ignoring this appointment and it will not happen!  I thought we would schedule an induction time yesterday, just in case I go two weeks over my due date, but that will happen the next time we meet.  The baby's heartbeat was good, 118 bpm if I was on my back and 123 bpm on my side.  He did start to get a little more active at the end and his heart rate increased a little more.  He really doesn't like the sound of his own heartbeat, which is a little weird considering he's constantly heard mine for the last 38 weeks.  My stomach measured 35 cm, up one cm from two weeks ago.  My stomach is still so much smaller than it was with either Emily or Tyler.  My belly button still kind of's a little flat, but hasn't popped out.  This whole pregnancy I've kind of had this feeling that Baby B would arrive exactly on his due date, which I still kind of think will happen.  It would be nice if he came this weekend, but Monday is okay too.  I just don't know how I'll handle still being pregnant after Monday.

I am definitely still a little bored being at home.  I've watched a lot of The Vampire Diaries on Netflix.  It's a pretty addicting show.  I've done a lot of lounging around on the couch.  Yesterday, I met up with some friends from work for some fika.  It was a gorgeous day outside and we sat around and talked for almost three hours, it was nice.  I'm definitely excited to not be so pregnant and be able to go for a walk, not a waddle, and enjoy the nice weather.

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