I have made it to 39 weeks and I am STILL pregnant! I know so many people who are pregnant right now and having babies THIS YEAR. I know I've said this a million times, but I feel like I have been pregnant FOREVER! I have been pregnant since September of LAST year and some people who got pregnant this year will have their baby this year. I know it's the same amount of time, but something about it just makes it feel so much longer. Hopefully, this will be last my last weekly picture.
It is definitely getting harder and harder to find good angles and good lighting. Where's a professional photographer when you need one? Sometimes I look at my belly and think that there is no way it is big enough for me to be 39 weeks pregnant. How can a 20", 7 pound baby fit in there?!?!
Then I go back and look at some older pictures. This one is from exactly ten weeks ago.
Then I can definitely see the difference in the size of my belly! It has gotten much bigger!!! On Saturday, I had a few contractions. I think they were real ones. They started in the front and went around to my back, they were a little painful, not terribly, but definitely different than just the squeezing braxton hicks ones I have been having. I felt the first one when I was taking a nap and the contraction actually woke me up. They were coming about every ten minutes for two hours or so, but then disappeared and haven't returned! I'm still pretty bored being at home, but I am glad that I don't have to work. I have been so exhausted the last couple of days! It is pretty much always light outside here. It gets dark around 11 and then gets light again about 3:30. So, if I happen to get up to use the bathroom around 4 it's really hard for me to fall back to sleep. I usually just lay in bed for a few hours and then take an early morning nap. Then I usually have an afternoon nap and go to bed around 10. I guess my body really is preparing me to take care of this baby! I feel like I'm already on a newborn's schedule. I made Baby B a crib blanket this weekend. Originally, I wanted to make it in blues, but I could not find the right colors in the soft yarn I wanted to use. So, it ended up being in greens.
At first, I thought it was the ugliest thing I had ever seen and thought about ripping it out, a lot, while I was making it. However, in the end I think it's pretty cute, for a boy. I made a very similar blanket for my niece Ellie and girl stuff is just so much cuter!
The colors are so much more fun. One nice thing about the blanket is that it is pretty thick and will be great for playtime on the floor.
We're still just waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for this baby to make his arrival! I'm pretty sure he's ready to come out and I know we are all ready to meet him!
I figured the commenting thing out! U are looking fantastic!!