36 weeks! Yay! Next Tuesday Baby B will officially be full term! I am so excited! Even though I have this feeling that he will be born exactly on his due date, June 3rd, I am happy that in one week he will be full term. Lately, I have had people tell me that my belly looks so small to be 36 weeks and then I have had others tell me that I look huge and ready to go. I definitely feel like the latter. I can no longer roll over, I have to use Hannes to get over. There is definitely no shoe tying going on here and sometimes I need help to get my pants on or off. Luckily, Hannes is a real trooper and helps me with whatever I need, including shaving my ankles! We have no tub and I can definitely not do any bending over! Other than not having a car seat I think that we are prepared to bring this baby home and take care of him for a while. He doesn't have a ton of toys, but he won't be needing those for a while anyway.
Everyone is gone today. Emily has practice and so does Hannes. Tyler went out to play and then went to a school event. I don't plan on looking "this good" for the rest of the week so here are some selfies. Tomorrow my students have orienteering (they need to follow a map and find checkpoints in the forest) and Thursday and Friday we are off school. Therefore, I will be laying around in leggings for four days.
Some of my tunics are now shirts. Some of my shirts are now midriffs, and not in the I'm 14 and in good shape way.
Lately, I have definitely been craving chocolate. I cannot seem to get enough! Last night at 8:00 I was making brownies. I just had to have some. This was after eating a candy bar before dinner and chocolate pudding after. I don't know what's going on. I mean, I have always had a sweet tooth, but this is ridiculous! Luckily, I have not gained too much weight, still around 10 kilos (22 pounds). I am really hoping that this chocolate craving goes away after the baby. I have noticed that my legs are looking chunkier and a little lumpier. I really need my pants to fit after this baby is born so I cannot be eating chocolate all the time, like I am now. Baby B is still the most active/wild little man ever! He love doing the superman, stretching his arms and legs at the same, which really distorts my entire body. His arms poke out on my left side just above my hip bone and his legs pop out on the right side in my ribs. It is quite interesting. He still really hates being pushed on or laid on and he still hates the hiccups! I feel like he never sleeps and is always squirming around. But even though I feel completely miserable and have for the last few weeks the other day I realized that I might actually miss being pregnant after he's born. Crazy!
I don't have any stretch marks and I think that I can make it to the end without any, at least any on my belly. I have a few old ones from Emily and Tyler, but you can barely see them on my hips and thighs. My belly button is finally giving in. The innie part is now even with my belly, it hasn't fully turned into an outie, but I think it's coming soon!
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