Friday, May 31, 2013


We met with our midwife, Hanna, yesterday.  I was secretly hoping that we would not make it to this appointment.  I thought it would for sure be the very last time that we met with her, while pregnant, at least.  However, I was wrong.  While we were there she scheduled one last appointment for us.  I did not write it down or save it in my calendar on my phone.  I am ignoring this appointment and it will not happen!  I thought we would schedule an induction time yesterday, just in case I go two weeks over my due date, but that will happen the next time we meet.  The baby's heartbeat was good, 118 bpm if I was on my back and 123 bpm on my side.  He did start to get a little more active at the end and his heart rate increased a little more.  He really doesn't like the sound of his own heartbeat, which is a little weird considering he's constantly heard mine for the last 38 weeks.  My stomach measured 35 cm, up one cm from two weeks ago.  My stomach is still so much smaller than it was with either Emily or Tyler.  My belly button still kind of's a little flat, but hasn't popped out.  This whole pregnancy I've kind of had this feeling that Baby B would arrive exactly on his due date, which I still kind of think will happen.  It would be nice if he came this weekend, but Monday is okay too.  I just don't know how I'll handle still being pregnant after Monday.

I am definitely still a little bored being at home.  I've watched a lot of The Vampire Diaries on Netflix.  It's a pretty addicting show.  I've done a lot of lounging around on the couch.  Yesterday, I met up with some friends from work for some fika.  It was a gorgeous day outside and we sat around and talked for almost three hours, it was nice.  I'm definitely excited to not be so pregnant and be able to go for a walk, not a waddle, and enjoy the nice weather.

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Monday, May 27, 2013

39 Weeks!!!!!!

Happy Memorial Day!  Memorial Day is not celebrated in Sweden...I'm sure that's not a big surprise!  We also haven't purchased a grill yet, our landlord is redoing our patio right now.  So, we will not be having a BBQ or anything today.  Maybe we'll celebrate it this weekend instead.

I have made it to 39 weeks and I am STILL pregnant!  I know so many people who are pregnant right now and having babies THIS YEAR.  I know I've said this a million times, but I feel like I have been pregnant FOREVER!  I have been pregnant since September of LAST year and some people who got pregnant this year will have their baby this year.  I know it's the same amount of time, but something about it just makes it feel so much longer.  Hopefully, this will be last my last weekly picture.

It is definitely getting harder and harder to find good angles and good lighting.  Where's a professional photographer when you need one?  Sometimes I look at my belly and think that there is no way it is big enough for me to be 39 weeks pregnant.  How can a 20", 7 pound baby fit in there?!?!

Then I go back and look at some older pictures.  This one is from exactly ten weeks ago.

Then I can definitely see the difference in the size of my belly!  It has gotten much bigger!!!  On Saturday, I had a few contractions.  I think they were real ones.  They started in the front and went around to my back, they were a little painful, not terribly, but definitely different than just the squeezing braxton hicks ones I have been having.  I felt the first one when I was taking a nap and the contraction actually woke me up.  They were coming about every ten minutes for two hours or so, but then disappeared and haven't returned!  I'm still pretty bored being at home, but I am glad that I don't have to work.  I have been so exhausted the last couple of days!  It is pretty much always light outside here.  It gets dark around 11 and then gets light again about 3:30.  So, if I happen to get up to use the bathroom around 4 it's really hard for me to fall back to sleep.  I usually just lay in bed for a few hours and then take an early morning nap.  Then I usually have an afternoon nap and go to bed around 10.  I guess my body really is preparing me to take care of this baby!  I feel like I'm already on a newborn's schedule.  I made Baby B a crib blanket this weekend.  Originally, I wanted to make it in blues, but I could not find the right colors in the soft yarn I wanted to use.  So, it ended up being in greens.

At first, I thought it was the ugliest thing I had ever seen and thought about ripping it out, a lot, while I was making it.  However, in the end I think it's pretty cute, for a boy.  I made a very similar blanket for my niece Ellie and girl stuff is just so much cuter!

The colors are so much more fun.  One nice thing about the blanket is that it is pretty thick and will be great for playtime on the floor.

We're still just waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for this baby to make his arrival!  I'm pretty sure he's ready to come out and I know we are all ready to meet him!  

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Baby Gifts

I have officially been on maternity leave for two days and I am already bored.  I really need to find some things to do to keep me busy!  A co-worker of mine recently had a baby girl, Olivia.  We had a joint work baby shower a few weeks ago, but since it was a surprise I didn't have a chance to get her a present.  I decided that I would crochet baby Olivia a hat.  I found this super cute pattern on Pinterest.

I had some yellow yarn lying around so I went ahead and used that.  It was a very quick and easy pattern.  So, I decided to make another one.  I found some pink yarn, but I ran out so I added some light blueish yarn to the bottom of the next hat.  I was still bored so I decided to try out yet another pattern, this pattern that I also found on Pinterest.

I decided that instead of adding the giant pom to the top of the hat that I would make a flower, an idea I also got from Pinterest.  Are you sensing a trend here?  So, I whipped a fabric flower and stitched it onto the front of the hat.  I hope Evelin and Olivia like hats!

It is so much easier to find/make cute little girl things.  It kind of makes me want a girl even more!  Oh, well....maybe next time :)

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Since first visiting Sweden in 2008 I have noticed that there are some very typical Swedish things and behaviors.  Many people have an idea of some of these stereotypes; IKEA, meatballs, Sven, Inga...  However, there are so many other idiosyncrasies that belong just to Swedish people.  I think that anyone who has ever spent any time in this country will notice some of these things.  For example, Swedes are not very friendly.  You just do not talk to people that you do not know.  Especially not strangers in a store or on the street.  You do not talk to people on the bus or the train either.  You do not hold the door open for people coming in behind you.  You must put the divider on the belt at the grocery store.  It is your job to separate your groceries from the next person's.  When having a conversation with someone you must "oh" or suck in a breath to show that you are following along and understanding what they are saying.

This past weekend was the finale of Eurovision, a singing contest that every country in Europe participates in.  Also, a few countries that may not be technically considered European, like Israel.  Each country has their own qualifying rounds and they each select their own winner that then moves on the final rounds where they compete against the winners from the other European countries.  The songs that the contestants sing are new and written just for the competition.  During the competition they had a few very funny skits that depicted typical "Swedishness".  In one short clip it showed a couple standing outside of a building smoking and when the reporter went up to greet them and said hello they just stared at her and did not respond...typical "Swedishness".  Here is a slightly longer clip that really shows some typical Swedish behaviors, some of which may be less known to foreigners.


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Monday, May 20, 2013

38 Weeks!

It is refreshing to know that this baby can make his appearance at any moment!  However, I also have the nagging thought in the back of my head that I could, potentially, be pregnant for four more weeks!  4...more...weeks!!!!  At this point, that would feel like beyond forever!  I'm not even sure if I can physically/mentally make it for the next two weeks.  Luckily, I only have one more day of work (technically one hour and fifteen minutes).  Then I can be home until the baby comes and all summer and all first term of the next school year.  Technically, I could be home even longer than that, but I have decided, for now, to return to work for two days a week in January.  This will give Hannes a chance to stay home with the baby for a while too.

Even though I have been trying to rush these last few weeks, or last eight weeks, there are some things I will miss about being pregnant.

1. Elastic waist bands - It is rather awesome to not have to button/zip/snap your pants.  Plus, you can eat as much as you want and you never have to worry that your pants will get too tight!
2. A giant belly that always, always hides your food baby!  Nothing like using a real baby to conceal the fact that you ate way too much.
3. Sitting around with my belly out.  This belly likes to breathe!  90% of the time when I am at home my pants are pulled down and my shirt is pulled up and this belly just hangs out in all its glory.  Somehow, it seems more comfortable and the baby seems less aggravated when there are no clothes constricting his movements.
4. Having an excuse to not lift anything, tie my shoes, take off my pants, shave my legs - like I could even see them anymore! - vacuum...really anything I don't feel like doing.  Hannes has been a trooper with housework, but he always has been.

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Friday, May 17, 2013

A Letter to My Son

Dear Baby B,

I know that during this pregnancy we have not always been the best of friends.  I apologize for some of the not so nice things I have said to you and about you, and maybe also some of the poking and pushing.  You have been a very big, active boy and you love to keep your knees and feet in my ribs.  I just want you to know that your Daddy and I are getting very excited to meet you!  I cannot wait to see what you will look like and see the size of those feet!  It feels like they're giant!  And even though your Dad could have been a little more supportive and better at back scratches, I know that he is going to be an amazing Dad and love you more than anything.  He's already talking about getting up with you in the middle of the night and changing your diapers...what a great Dad!  I cannot wait to hold you in my arms and kiss your chubby little cheeks.  However, I am going to try to enjoy these last few weeks that we have together.  Enjoy the peace and quiet and being able to keep you safe and protected in my belly.  You have a lot of people that are very excited to meet you...whenever you decide it is time.

We all love you very much,


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Thursday, May 16, 2013

38th Week Check-Up

We met with our midwife today.  Hopefully, for the last time!  Everything looked "perfect".  His head is still engaged and VERY, VERY low!  His heartbeat was 125 bpm.  My belly measured 34 cm, up one cm from two weeks ago.  Everything is all set, we just have to patiently wait for labor to begin, or maybe wait not so patiently.

This week, on Tuesday, I participated in Vår Ruset.  It is a 5 km run/jog/walk for women.  Or in my case a very slow walk!  Thank you to Beth Hales for walking with me!  It took me 1:18:00 to finish the walk.  Although, I might have done it faster if I didn't have to pee so badly!  Around the 3 km mark I had to go, around 4 km I was getting pretty desperate so at the end I had to make a detour to go to the bathroom and then I finished.  I still think it's a respectable time for being 37 weeks pregnant!  I was hoping it would induce labor, but it did not...I am still pregnant!

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Monday, May 13, 2013

37 Weeks! Full Term Baby!

The moment I have been waiting for...full term!  This baby can now safely come at any moment!  So exciting!!!  Although, I hope he waits until next weekend because I really need to be at work until the end of this week.  This is also my last official full week at work for years.  That is something else to be truly excited about!

I know I have been rushing the end of this pregnancy, but two weekends ago I was talking to my sister, Jessie, on Skype.  I mentioned how ready I was to have this baby and get my body back...basically just not be pregnant anymore!  She said that she wished that she had cherished her last weeks of pregnancy more and not been in a rush to meet Ellie Grace.  That really got me thinking.  I may have a hard time sleeping because of Baby B's hiccups and break dancing into the wee hours of the morning, but at least I can just lay there, in quiet.  I don't have to worry about a crying baby or breastfeeding or changing poopy diapers.  I also feel that we have gotten into a rhythm.  We have a schedule and I can, kind of, anticipate the more active times of the day.  I can prepare for the rib kicks and punches to my cervix.  I'm ready for the rolling and elbowing in my side.  I actually think that I might miss some of these private, internal moments that we share.  Sometimes, I really can't believe that in a few weeks we will have a baby!  The reality hasn't fully sunk in yet.

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

DIY Mobile

A few months ago I was perusing Pinterest and stumbled across the most adorable cloud mobiles.  I really wanted to try and make something for Baby B and I figured why not try this!

Here are some of my inspiration photos:

However, I do not have a sewing machine, a needle, thread or any suitable fabric.  That's when I decided to get creative.  I found this awesome pattern for crocheted clouds.  The pattern is really easy to follow, the hardest part is counting to 25.  That doesn't seem hard, but when you have a house full of people who love to talk to you and ask you questions and you have to take a thousand bathroom breaks and halfway through the grey cloud you decide you need to walk to the store to buy peanut M & M's, it can be a little difficult!  The pattern was for the smaller clouds, but after making a few of them I knew I really wanted a larger one.  Although, the pattern is easy, it's just simple counting - if you follow the counting you will be fine, just forget about rows! - I had no idea how it worked or how to size it to make a bigger cloud.  That's when I figured out how to get a bigger cloud...more yarn and a bigger hook!  I just took two strands of yarn, one white and one grey, and instead of using a 5mm hook I used an 8mm hook...voila!  A bigger cloud!  I really like the larger one and think that it works well with the mobile.

I still want to add raindrops or something, but I am not quite sure if I want to try to crochet little raindrops or if I want to use fabric.  I am also not sure how I am going to hang it.  I guess I have a few weeks to figure out those details.

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Holy Uncomfortable!

36 weeks!  Yay!  Next Tuesday Baby B will officially be full term!  I am so excited!  Even though I have this feeling that he will be born exactly on his due date, June 3rd, I am happy that in one week he will be full term.  Lately, I have had people tell me that my belly looks so small to be 36 weeks and then I have had others tell me that I look huge and ready to go.  I definitely feel like the latter.  I can no longer roll over, I have to use Hannes to get over.  There is definitely no shoe tying going on here and sometimes I need help to get my pants on or off.  Luckily, Hannes is a real trooper and helps me with whatever I need, including shaving my ankles!  We have no tub and I can definitely not do any bending over!  Other than not having a car seat I think that we are prepared to bring this baby home and take care of him for a while.  He doesn't have a ton of toys, but he won't be needing those for a while anyway.

Everyone is gone today.  Emily has practice and so does Hannes.  Tyler went out to play and then went to a school event.  I don't plan on looking "this good" for the rest of the week so here are some selfies.  Tomorrow my students have orienteering (they need to follow a map and find checkpoints in the forest) and Thursday and Friday we are off school.  Therefore, I will be laying around in leggings for four days.

Some of my tunics are now shirts.  Some of my shirts are now midriffs, and not in the I'm 14 and in good shape way.

Lately, I have definitely been craving chocolate.  I cannot seem to get enough!  Last night at 8:00 I was making brownies.  I just had to have some.  This was after eating a candy bar before dinner and  chocolate pudding after.  I don't know what's going on.  I mean, I have always had a sweet tooth, but this is ridiculous!  Luckily, I have not gained too much weight, still around 10 kilos (22 pounds).  I am really hoping that this chocolate craving goes away after the baby.  I have noticed that my legs are looking chunkier and a little lumpier.  I really need my pants to fit after this baby is born so I cannot be eating chocolate all the time, like I am now.  Baby B is still the most active/wild little man ever!  He love doing the superman, stretching his arms and legs at the same, which really distorts my entire body.  His arms poke out on my left side just above my hip bone and his legs pop out on the right side in my ribs.  It is quite interesting.  He still really hates being pushed on or laid on and he still hates the hiccups!  I feel like he never sleeps and is always squirming around.  But even though I feel completely miserable and have for the last few weeks the other day I realized that I might actually miss being pregnant after he's born.  Crazy!

I don't have any stretch marks and I think that I can make it to the end without any, at least any on my belly.  I have a few old ones from Emily and Tyler, but you can barely see them on my hips and thighs.  My belly button is finally giving in.  The innie part is now even with my belly, it hasn't fully turned into an outie, but I think it's coming soon!

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

36 Week Check Up

We met with our midwife today, Hanna.  I absolutely love her.  She is definitely one of those people that you instantly feel connected to and like you can tell her anything without being judged.  This is definitely a welcome quality when you're expecting, especially when you're expecting in a foreign country and don't really speak the language.  Everything looked good!  My belly measured 33cm, his heart rate was 130 when he was resting and 140 when he was active - he really hates having his heart rate monitored! - his head is still down and engaged.  Our next appointment is May 16th, I am kind of hoping I don't make it to that appointment, but you never know!  Any time after May 14th is okay with me!  You only get a big, giant belly shot today.  I am having one of those times where you think you look better than you actually do.  I look in the mirror and my face doesn't look that big and my chin doesn't look that doubled, but then I see a picture of myself and I am like!  I look like that!  I am sure that feeling will pass, in about 8 weeks or so.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

DIY Onesie

Just over a year ago I had two coworkers who were expecting and due on the same day!  I really fell in love with applique onesies and made some for both of them and my niece Ellie.  They are so easy to make, even if you cannot sew.  Since I was hanging around all day today anyway I decided to make some for Baby B.  Unfortunately, making anything for little girls is always so much cuter than making stuff for little boys.  I found that I only had one fabric choice that seemed boyish enough.  Oh well.

To start you only need three things:

  1. Plain white onesies - washed, dried and ironed.
  2. The shapes of the things you want to applique.  I usually just google a picture I like, size it and then trace it from the computer screen onto paper.  For Baby B I used these four pictures. 
  3. Heat n Bond.  I like to use the ultra, it does not require any sewing at all to adhere your fabric cutout to the onesie.

    Then you simply iron your Heat n Bond to the backside of your fabric.  Trace your design onto the back of your fabric, remembering to reverse the image if you need to.  Cut it out, peel off the paper backing and then iron it on to the front of the onesie.  So simple!  You could do this with anything.  I added an applique to one of Emily's t-shirts.  You could do lettering on the back of a t-shirt.  The sky's the limit!  Here's how Baby B's turned out.

    They're a little boring because they all have the same fabric, but I think I am going to get a little creative.  On some of them I am going to hand stitch around the design.  I think I am going to use red thread on the whale and add a little red button for an eye.  I still have to think of some ideas for the other ones.  My favorite is definitely the Missouri onesie and if you look closely you can see the little pink heart over St. Louis.  I might have to make more as he grows into bigger sizes!

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I just want some darn cinnamon rolls!

We are all off work/school today.  In Sweden, May 1st, is a national holiday for workers.  The entire country pretty much shuts down, except for IKEA.  Sorry IKEA workers!  We really needed to get that dresser for the baby today.  Since we had some extra time I thought I would make cinnamon rolls.  The ones you can buy here are just not the same!  They usually have cardamom in them and no icing, just big sugar crystals on the top.  I was really craving some American style cinnamon rolls.  I searched all over the internet for a full proof dough and settled on this recipe from the Pioneer Woman.  I really spent my time researching, pretty much every blogger ever has tried this recipe with success.  All 830 comments on her post were positive reviews.  There was no kneading involved, I figured I couldn't go wrong.  Last night, I stayed up late getting the dough ready for a slow rise overnight in the fridge.  This morning I woke up at 5am and couldn't fall back to sleep so I decided to go ahead and make those cinnamon rolls!  The dough looked beautiful, rolled out easily, everything seemed to be going perfectly.

I did create a giant mess, but I was planning on dealing with that later.  I even made the full batch so I could freeze 3-4 pans worth of cinnamon rolls for later, easy breakfast after the baby is born.  I let them rise for the second time in the pan and put them in the oven for the 15-18 minutes they were supposed to cook for.  They came out golden brown and delicious looking.  I let them cool for a few minutes and then iced them.  Everyone was STILL sleeping.  I thought, what the heck, I am eating one!  I dug it out of the pan and....boom....RAW!  The bottoms and the middles were completely raw!  Ugh!!  I put the pans back in for 5 more minutes and checked again...raw.  10 more minutes...raw.  I decided I needed to take some drastic measures.  I took them out of the pan and put them on a baking sheet not touching and back into the oven.  5 more minutes...still raw.  10 more minutes...still raw.  50 minutes later I still had raw bottoms and middles.  I gave up!  I turned off the oven, left them in there and went back to bed.  When I got up, about an hour later, they were still in the oven and not raw this time.  Nope, not raw, but hard as rocks.  The kids and Hannes ate some, they said they were good, but I am too angry!  I just want a darn cinnamon roll!

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