Monday, September 9, 2013

Three Months Old!

Three Months Old!!!!  How did this happen?!  How is Henry already three months old???  I cannot believe how quickly time flies!  Especially when you don't want it to.  I really think I'll blink and he'll be one.  

He's already looking so big!  We went to get his first set of vaccinations today and he did not like it one bit!  There was a lot of screaming, a few tears and a lot of trying to soothe our poor baby.  I think that out of my three children he really took it the hardest.  It broke my heart!  Luckily, Daddy was there to hold him during the shots...I really don't think I could have gotten through it alone.

Those poor chunky, chunky baby thighs!

Henry's Stats:

Henry now weighs 14 pounds 6 ounces.  Almost double his birth weight.  He loves to eat and it shows!  His height hasn't changed, the baby nurse seems to think he'll catch up next time.  He dipped a little below average on the chart this week.  Hannes and I are both pretty short so I don't have super high hopes for his height anyway.  I just have my fingers crossed that he ends up being at least 5'7"...I have the same hopes for Tyler, too!

What Henry's been up to:

Henry has really come into his own this month!  He has really found his voice and learned a few new tricks.  Somedays he wakes up and he just knows how to do things.  It's pretty exciting and I know it's only going to get better!  One of his favorite things to do is to blow raspberries (aka spit all over himself).  I took this gem of a video.

He can soak his entire shirt in a matter of moments.  He also has great range...he can spit on my face from his Boppy pillow!  It's a lot of fun :)  He's also started reaching for and grabbing things.  His favorite thing to grab is his binky...which sometimes makes it difficult at night time.  It's so much fun to watch him try to concentrate and reach for something.  His aim has also gotten a lot better when it comes to sucking on his fingers/thumb.  He can pretty much get his hand in there on the first try!  Henry has also started laughing.  It is the cutest little sound.  It is so difficult to get him to laugh and he doesn't keep it up for very long so I haven't been able to catch it on video.  He also seems to think that his Dad is a lot funnier than I am...I think it's his hair.  I'm hoping to get a video of it soon.  His gentle cooing has also turned into full on screaming.  I was also able to capture his new voice on video.

Henry's gotten into a little more of a schedule.  This past week he's been going to sleep (in his own bed) around 10 pm and sleeping until 3 am.  Then he eats, goes back to sleep in his bed and wakes up again around 6 am to eat.  Then, I usually let him sleep in my bed until I get up around 7 with Em and Ty.  He usually gets up around 9, unless we have something to do in the morning.  It's been nice to get a little more sleep!

What Mommy's been up to:

I still have a few pounds to lose.  I'm not really counting anymore.  I've tried to get out more and be more active.  Henry and I have started baby massage.  It's a one hour class for four weeks.  We had to miss his massage class today because he picked up a little bit of a cold.  Emily was sick last week and stayed home from school for a couple of days and Tyler seems to have caught it too, but a much gentler version.  Henry has been waking up in the morning with a seriously stuffed up nose and a little bit of a goopy eye.  I've also met up with a work colleague a few times, her daughter is just a few weeks older than Henry.  I tried to go for a run last was not pretty!  I made it just over a mile and my legs were sore for a few days.  I think I'm going to keep going, but it's hard to find time.  Hannes is always gone because of soccer and Henry is still eating every two hours.

I've also been practicing knitting.  I finally finished my first project!  It's a cute little snuggle bunny for Henry.  He seems to like it okay.  I had most of it finished and then made a mistake and had to start over.  Then, I finished up to the end of the head and couldn't figure out the ears and had to take it out and start over.  The third time was a charm!

I also went back and added a few rows to Henry's lamb hat so that it would fit better on his forehead.

He's such a ham!  That chunky body is just to die for!

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