Saturday, September 7, 2013

Newborn Essentials

Henry is now almost 3 months old and I feel like we've really figured out what items we needed the most (or have used the most).  Prior to having Henry I read a lot of blog posts about essential newborn items.  I even created a facebook post to get others' opinions.  I knew that I didn't want to buy a lot of unnecessary things.  We have a very small apartment and don't really have the room for a lot of extra crap!  We bought a very limited amount of items and still ended up with some things that weren't really necessary.

So...this is my list of the things that we couldn't have lived without!

1.  Aden and Anais swaddle blankets

I got this set from my lovely sister, Caitlin.  We use these on a daily basis!  These blankets are the perfection combination of comfort and function.  They are thin, gauzy and soft!  I use them for a million things!  There is always one in Henry's stroller...actually there are usually two.  One for if he gets chilly and one to drape over the canopy to block the sun.  I use them as a nursing cover if I breastfeed in public.  They are great for swaddling...which we never really did, Henry hated it.  

2. Boppy pillow

This pillow is definitely a must have!  We bought a swing for Henry and he really doesn't enjoy it.  He's much happier sitting in his pillow.  We use this pillow for many hours every day!  He sits in it, on the floor, while we eat dinner.  He sits in it, on the couch, when we watch TV or I knit.  I don't really use it as a nursing pillow.  Henry isn't that heavy yet and I have no problem holding him while I breastfeed, but I'm sure I'll start using it to support him soon!  You might have noticed that in 99% of my pictures Henry is sitting in his Boppy pillow.

3.  Solly Baby wrap

This wrap really allows me to use my hands and get things done!  Henry loves this...for a while.  He definitely has a time limit because it restricts his movement.  He loves to move his arms and legs...which is why swaddling never worked for us.  However, if he's sleepy or crabby or needs to be occupied for an hour or so this is the place to do it!  He sleeps like a dream in this baby, too!  I use it every time I go somewhere and don't want to lug around the stroller.  I always wear it to the grocery store or shopping.  I've also used it on the bus, I don't think Henry even realized that we had gone on a trip...he was sleeping the whole time!  It's also allowed us to do some baking.  We've made cookies and cinnamon rolls together.  

4. Diapers!

I think we went through 40 diapers the first week we were home.  

5. Wubbanub pacifiers

The elephant is definitely Henry's favorite.  He loves to hold on to the ears, the legs and even the tag!  But mostly the ears.  We started using the first day after Henry was born!  (Most advice I've read is to wait at least two, but six if you can...that wasn't happening, for us!  Henry loves to suck and I really needed this pacifier to give my boobies a break!)  He never had any nipple confusion or any problems.  

That's pretty much it!  Babies really don't need much.  We also bought a baby play gym.

It's definitely nice to have, but I don't think it's essential.  Henry liked it a lot when he was about 8 weeks old and he'll still sit under there, but doesn't talk as much to his "friends" as he used to.  I think he might get more into it in a few weeks when he gets better at grabbing things that are further away.  We'll see!

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1 comment:

  1. Addie STILL uses those blankets! She kicks them off really quickly but loves to cover herself up, and the gauzy material is perfect because they aren't too warm or heavy. And I wish I'd had that baby wrap... the baby bjorn was convenient but Addie didn't like it much and it was kind of awkward/uncomfortable to have her arms and legs just hanging there.

    And I love the boppy, we used it for months. I would say it's a must have! I never really used it for nursing either.
