This is embarrassing. It has been a crazy long time since I have updated this blog! Spoiler alert: I was actually pregnant in that last post! I just had no idea…yet. Since then I have completed the entire pregnancy, birthed the baby and he is now one month old! He is definitely going to feel like the fourth child when he sees that his entire gestational period was summed in one blog post. Sorry, Carson!
I'll start with ALL the pictures. They are in order, but I don't have one from every month and I am not sure exactly how pregnant I am in each of them. Disclaimer - Some of these pictures were only meant to shared with family.
That chalkboard sat in our living room with 16 weeks written on it until a few days ago when I erased it and wrote one month on it, since Carson just turned one month old. So much for the weekly pictures...
Pregnancy Recap:
Since I cannot even begin to remember what was happening every month during my pregnancy I'll just kind of break it down into trimesters.
1st Trimester:
I can sum this period up with one word…diarrhea. I mean, I had incredible morning/all day sickness. I did my fair share of throwing up, but I also had insane diarrhea. Like to the point where one time I had to run home because I almost shat my pants. Another time we walked to the beach and I ran straight to the toilet where I spent the first 20 or so minutes of our trip. It was so terrible that I was afraid to leave the house because I had no idea when/where I was going to explode. If you actually read all of that all I can say is sorry. I found out later, a little too late in my opinion, that I had become lactose intolerant. It was super weird! It continued throughout my entire pregnancy. I could not eat any dairy or I would have major bathroom issues. I did start experimenting towards the end and I was able to tolerate more dairy and so far, I have not had any issues after pregnancy and Carson does not seem to have any issues with dairy. Thank goodness!!
2nd Trimester:
The word here would be exhaustion. I have never been so tired in my entire life (and that's saying a lot considering that Henry didn't sleep through the night at all until he was like a year old and even now will wake up at least once during the night so I haven't slept a solid 8 hours in years!). I could barely function and relied a little too heavily on caffeine during this pregnancy. I never exceeded my 200mg/day, but I was either having a Coke or a cup of coffee every single day. With Henry, I avoided caffeine and rarely had any during my entire pregnancy, but I also remembered my vitamins with him every day too. Sorry Carson! On the weekends, I could easily wake up at 9, take a nap from 9:30 - 12, eat lunch, take another nap from 1 - 3 and go to bed at 7. And I'd still be tired!
3rd Trimester:
Let's just continue with the one word theme, third trimester's word would be…insomnia! This is where I never slept…ever! Towards the end I could easily be awake until 5:30 am and then wake up at 7:30 with Henry, doze on the couch until lunch time, at 11, and then nap during Henry's nap - roughly 12 - 2 and then do it all over again the next day. So, I was maybe getting 6 hours of sleep spread throughout the day. Part of it was that I couldn't get comfortable and another part was that I just wasn't tired. The last few weeks were definitely the worst and most extreme, but the entire third trimester the earliest I ever went to sleep was 1 am, and I worked until I was 36 weeks pregnant. So, maybe exhaustion could also be my third trimester word. Looking back, I think Carson may have been preparing me for his birth.
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