Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Little Midweek Pick-Me-Up

Henry has been working on this crawling thing for a while.  He figured out how to move around the carpet, but he never knew what to do with his arms.  He would move his legs…his arms would stay still…and he'd face plant into the floor.  Today he, finally, figured out the arms!

It's so exciting to see these milestones!  I also need to start being more careful about what is left out on the floor.

Henry also loves doing this adorable thing:

He peeks out of his crib bumper so he can see us or stare at himself in the mirror.  It's the cutest thing I've ever seen!

I also started knitting a new blanket.  It's absolutely gorgeous!  Thanks Mom for sending some of the yarn!  I really wish I lived in a country where things were more accessible.  Why can't we have a J.Crew or a Hobby Lobby or even a Starbucks!?!?  I can't wait to finish it!

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Monday, December 9, 2013

6 Months Old!

I absolutely cannot believe that half of a year has passed since Henry was born!  I guess the old saying is true…time flies when you're having fun!  Or more likely in my case, time flies when you are extremely sleep deprived!  Although, that is kind of being rectified now.  Henry is always sleeping in his bed and is sleeping more through the night.

Henry's Stats:

Weight: Almost 18 pounds! (8.08 kilos)
Height:  26 inches (65.8 cm)
Head Circumference: 17 inches (43.4 cm)
Teeth: Two

What Henry's been up to:

Not much has changed in the last month.  He has gotten more vocal.  His favorite thing to do is yell, at everything, all the time!  It's fun!  Sometimes, I swear he's really saying things.  Mostly it sounds like he says hi and good.  Although, in the middle of the night when he wakes up crying I'm pretty sure he says Mama.  Henry is also SOOOO close to crawling.  He is so strong and works so hard to get around.  He has figured out to go anywhere he wants to.  However, he more often than not ends up going backwards.  He's also really into what I like to call the downward facing dog.  He pushes up on his toes.  It does always end pretty though.  Usually he pushes forward with his feet, but doesn't move his arms, so he ends up face planting into the floor.  Which isn't so bad on the carpet, but he has done it a few times on the hardwood floor and a few times into the TV stand.  He's already gotten himself into some trouble.  The other day, I looked down and he had grabbed the diaper wipes, opened them, taken one out and was eating it!  I immediately grabbed it from him and rinsed his mouth with some water.  He's so quick and loves playing with everything, but his toys.

He is also starting to enjoy eating.  He has tried quite a few things lately (He's only been eating for about two weeks).  So far, he's had banana, avocado, sweet potato, carrot, apple, oatmeal baby cereal, pear and apple and rice pouch, pear and apricot and rice pouch.  So far, his very favorite thing to eat is apples!  We buy the Ella's kitchen pouches and he devours them!  He also really liked bananas (fresh banana and not the Ella's kitchen pouch banana - he hated that!).  He'll pretty much eat anything if it's mixed with apples.  We just bought a blender/food processor to make baby food for Henry.  When we tried avocado it was still a little chunky and Henry hated the texture.  We figured if we could blend his food better he might enjoy eating more things and we wouldn't have to buy as many pouches!  I made carrots and sweet potatoes and tried both of those and Henry didn't like either.  There was lots of gagging and shivering, but when I mixed it with apples he loved it!  Go figure.

One of his very favorite activities is still the bouncer!  He gets into that thing and bounces like a crazy person, for hours, every day.  That is for sure the best purchase, yet.  He also really loves grabbing things!  When he's nursing he will grab and pull on my shirt, or sometimes even my boob skin…that's fun!  He'll also grab his toys and fling them back and forth before throwing them as far as he can.  He gets so excited when he wants to get something and put it in his mouth.  It is so cute!  He'll open his mouth as wide as he can and start jumping up and down and reaching for it.  He actually yells and gets angry when he can't have it.  We can't light candles when he's awake because he wants to eat them so badly.  He won't look at anything else.  He just stares at the candles and yells and screams and reaches for them until someone blows them out.  It is so much fun watching him become his own little person.

What Mommy's been up to:

I'm so happy to finally be getting more sleep!  It's every mother's dream.  Henry's been sleeping longer at night and more consistently.  Sometimes, he'll wake up around 2am to eat, but immediately goes back to sleep in his own bed.  I feel like I'm barely nursing him now.  Especially since he's eating food.  I'll nurse him before we get out of bed in the morning and then he'll play for a few hours and take a nap.  Then when he gets up I feed him food (usually just a vegetable or fruit) and then he nurses again.  He'll play for a few more hours and then nap.  He usually wakes up during his afternoon nap to eat and then goes back to bed.  Then he wakes up and eats dinner, this is his big meal - a vegetable and a fruit and oatmeal baby cereal.  He'll nurse and go to bed.  It's so strange to have time at night to be alone and have a drink, if I want to.  It's almost like I have my body back!  It's also much easier to leave him for a few hours here or there because he's only missing one breastfeeding session and not two or three.

A few outtakes from our 6 month photo shoot:

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Thursday, November 28, 2013


I have been getting bored being at home.  It's getting cold and it's a pain to get in and out of our apartment with Henry and the stroller…so, we spend a lot of time inside.  I have been knitting quite a bit lately.  Thanks Amanda for teaching me!

I made Henry a toy.  I like to call him Frankenlamb.  I didn't do the best job of sewing him up, but Henry likes him anyway!

I also made Henry a new hat!  

I've made a couple of other things (a baby blanket for baby Parker and a scarf for my sister, Jessie), but I didn't take any pictures of them.  I have a few more projects in the works…I'll be sure to post pictures when they're finished!

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013


While we loved co-sleeping with Henry for the first 5 months or so of his life…we are happy to say that we have accomplished sleep training success!  Henry is now sleeping in his own crib, all night :)  The first few days were very rough.  We were also trying to transition Henry to a 7-7 and 2 naps a day schedule.  So, he would go to bed at 7 and then wake up around 8:30 and cry/play until around 9:30-10 and then he'd go back to sleep.  It took him a few days and he adjusted to this new schedule.  In the beginning, he wasn't very happy about getting up at 7 and sometimes he still has a hard time with it (I always have to wake him up).  He is also doing much better about sleeping longer periods at night.  I no longer have to wake up every 2 hours to nurse, he is sleeping at least 6 hours straight!  The first couple of days were definitely difficult, but it's great to just lay him in his bed (awake) and let him put himself to sleep and to let him soothe himself back to sleep at night.  Hannes and I have also been enjoying our couple of hours alone at night when all of the kids are sleeping!

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

5 Months Old!!

I know, I know...this post is really late!  Henry and I spent 3 weeks in the States visiting family and got back on November 12th.  We have not been able to get our sleep schedules back on track!  Some nights Henry goes to sleep at 8 and the next night it's 3am.  Sometimes he sleeps through the night and sometimes he wakes up for a few hours around 1am.  He was such a good sleeper before we left and while we were there that it makes this erratic sleeping even harder!  So, we have decided to spend the next week doing some sleep training!  We're using this plan.  Wish us luck!

Since I have no 5 month picture, this one will have to do.

Such chunky adorableness!  

Henry's stats:

Length:  25 3/4"  (65.4 cm)
Weight:  16 pounds 8 ounces  (7.55 kg)
Head circumference:  17"  (43.3 cm)

What Henry's been up to:

Henry is an expert roller overer!  He has no problems going from back to belly, in fact, he sometimes does it even when he doesn't want to!  He can go from belly to back, but he often forgets how.  He is excellent at grabbing things and can figure out a way to get to almost anything he wants.  Which means....he's a mover!  I have no clue how he moves though.  It's one of those mysterious things that you never actually see.  I have tried and tried to catch him in the act, but it's hard.  I do always find him other places though.  He'll often be on the opposite side of the room of where I put him down.  One of Henry's favorite things is playing peek a boo/covering his face.  As evidenced here:

Don't mind my bony toes in the corner!  I don't know why, but he loves to do this!  He'll cover his face with anything he can reach.  Pants, a blanket, stuffed animals...anything!  He also enjoys driving cars.  Insert cliche picture that every parent has.

Henry has his first tooth!  Hannes swears it's two teeth, but I think it's only one.  He won't let us get a great look at it, but dang that baby is sharp!  And he loves to bite with it!  So, the most we get is a feel here and there.  I first noticed it, just as it broke the gum, on November 11th.  He had been drooling like crazy and was chewing on stuff nonstop, but it didn't look like he was teething.  He didn't have raised white spots on his gums or anything like that.  I reached in and felt and around and there it was, barely noticeable, but there.  I really think that chewing on Aunt Jessie's counters helped that baby pop out!

*UPDATE:  As of 12:30pm, Swedish time, it is official...Hannes was right!  Henry has two teeth!  He was playing on the other side of the coffee table, with what I thought was his toy bus, but turned out to be the cardboard packaging on Hannes' nephew's Christmas gift.  As I was digging the cardboard out of his mouth...I saw them!  Two separate teeth poking out of his bottom gum!

While we were in the states Henry swung for the first time!  He was kind of indecisive about it.  I'm not sure if he really liked it or not, but he only wanted to be in there for a few minutes at a time.

Henry also had his first bite of food!  On Tuesday, November 19th Henry tried sweet potatoes!  We are officially waiting until 6 months old to start food, but I was making mashed sweet potatoes anyway so I thought...why not give him a bite or two?  At first he made no signs about whether or not he liked them, but after another bite or two it was pretty clear that he wasn't really digging it.  Which, is kind of hilarious because he really watches us eat and tries to eat/drink everything we have.  So, I really thought he'd be more excited about eating.

Henry was a pretty great traveler!  I've decided that it's not the babies that are difficult on planes, it's the toddlers!  Henry had a rough time at the end of our first flight to London.  He was tired of being held and just wanted out of my lap.  He cried for about 15 minutes, but as soon as we landed and I put him in the empty seat next to us he was perfect!  Then, he mostly slept on all of our other flights to and from the US.  On our long flight back, from Chicago to London there were two other Moms traveling alone with their children - toddlers.  One of them screamed/cried for almost the entire flight and the other one - the one directly in front of us - only screamed a few times.  Of course, one of those times woke Henry up when we still had two hours to go, but he did fine.  We were lucky that on our long 8 hour flights the plane wasn't very full and both times were able to get an entire middle section (3 seats) all to ourselves!  This allowed me to lay down next to Henry and sleep.  I think that's the most sleep I've ever gotten on a plane!  It was awesome!

He looks so cute traveling!  We are definitely going to try to take advantage of the whole kids fly free if they're under 2 thing.  On the way there he did get really dried out.  His nose got so dry and bloody and his cheeks were bright red.  I didn't plan on that happening and had nothing with me to help him!  On the way back I made sure to bring nose drops and vitamin E oil for his face.  Luckily, he was much better on the way back.  While we were there Henry's baby cousin Parker was born!  He was soooo tiny!!!  It's crazy that he was almost the exact same weight and length as Henry, yet I can't remember Henry ever being so small.  I think that I kind of forgot how to take care of a newborn.  It's crazy how fast you lose those skills!  Henry did get in a little play time with his cousin.

What Mommy's been up to:

While in the States I gained about 6 pound...yikes!  However, when I was in Chicago the last week alone with Henry, I made an effort to get outside every day and walk and I didn't eat out as much.  When I was first weighed, at 8 weeks pregnant, I was 54 kilos and I am currently 55.7.  That's less than a 5 pound difference!  My body finally feels like it's getting back to normal!  Aka. I have a waist and my clothes don't look so bad on my body.  It's so exciting!  It definitely took a while, but I think with a little extra effort I can be back to myself before he's 7 months old.  I think that going back to work in January will help too.  Walking around more and being busy.  I am really looking forward to sleep training and hoping that I will be able to get more than 2 hours of sleep at a time!  To give you an idea of what has been going on I'll quickly run through what happened last night.

10:00pm - feed Henry and put him to bed.  Put his pacifier back in his mouth and flip him onto his back (this is where he sometimes rolls onto his stomach when he doesn't want to) several times.  

10:15pm - Henry is asleep.  I fall asleep.

11:45pm - Henry is crying and wants to eat.  I feed Henry and leave him in my bed...hoping to get some more sleep.  He fusses and kicks me repeatedly.

1:00am - I'm tired of getting kicked and put Henry in his own bed.  He fusses and rolls onto his stomach and I get up several times to put his pacifier back in and flip him onto his back.

1:30am - Still trying to get him to sleep.  He starts crying, loudly.  Hannes holds him for a few minutes, gets him to sleep and lays him back in his bed.

1:45am - He wakes up and is fussy.

2:00am - I feed him again and put him in his bed.  He falls asleep.

2:15am - He wakes up and is fussy.  I give him his pacifier back and roll him back onto his back.

3:00am - I finally fall asleep.

4:00am - Henry is up and wants to eat, again.

This is not what it has been like for the last 5 months, but it is what it has been like since we got back.  I'm used to the eating every two hours thing, and it really doesn't bother me.  He doesn't nurse for a long time at each feeding so he may legitimately need those feedings.  It's the not going right back to sleep that is killing me!  I'm okay with barely gaining consciousness for feedings and falling right back asleep as soon as they're over, but I have a really hard time going back to sleep after being woken all the way up.  Between 10 and 4 I probably got about 2 1/2 hours of sleep.  I'm also pretty sure that I have restless leg syndrome.  If I lay in bed for more than 1/2 hour and don't fall asleep my legs get all crampy and they feel like they need to be moved and I can't get comfortable and I just toss and turn.  It's pretty awful.  Which is another reason why this new sleeping schedule just doesn't work for me!

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

4 Months Old!

I cannot believe it's already been 4 months!  But I also can't imagine a time where Henry didn't exist in our family.  He really is the happiest, sweetest baby ever.  Every day I'm amazed that I get to be his Mommy.  I am so not ready for him to grow up!

He is just the perfect amount of chunky and bald!  


Length: 24.7 inches
Weight: 15. 4 pounds
Head Circumference: 16.5 inches

He is pretty much average in all categories.  His length is just a little below average, but I figured that was coming.  I am 5'2" on a good day and Hannes is 5'8" on a good day.  We're just hoping he ends up, at least, as tall as Hannes!  

What Henry's been up to:
This is going to be long!  Henry has changed so much during the last month!  It is so crazy!!!  He loves to laugh and getting kiss tickled on his neck and under his arms.  One of his favorite things is standing in your lap.  He is getting so wiggly that it can be hard to hold him sometimes.  He definitely loves to be able to look around and he loves going places where there is a lot to look IKEA!  He also loves to jump.  Here's an adorable video of Hannes and him playing.

Anything that touches his hand or that he can reach he grabs and then, usually, tries to put it in his mouth.  He can now reach his friends on his play gym and he loves grabbing them and yelling at them.

He may have rolled over from his back to his stomach.  The story is a little unreliable, Tyler is the only true witness and it has yet to happen again.  I was in the kitchen making some coffee and I left Henry on his back and when I returned he was on his stomach and Tyler was next to him.  Ty says that Henry flipped himself over, but since he hasn't done it again...I think Tyler may have given him a little nudge.  He can go from stomach to back no problem, though.  

Also, when he's on his stomach he really gets those legs going like he wants to crawl.  I have a feeling that he's going to be a super active baby and I'm going to be in trouble!!!  He can already scoot himself around on his back so I've been trying to remember to keep a better eye on him and keep anything he can't have away from him!

He's also amazing at figuring things out.  It took him about two minutes flat to figure out how to get his toy bus to play music.  Then he spent the next ten minutes pushing it over and over again so it would play music.  He also likes trying to eat it.

I know I may be partial, but I really think Henry is a baby genius.  It takes him absolutely no time to figure things out.  Unless it's how to blow raspberries...he's been working on that for weeks!  He always wants me to do it and tries to copy me, but usually just ends up spitting everywhere.  Sometimes he gets it, but he can't figure out how to do it at will.  Today, when I went to change his diaper I played peek a boo with him with his pants.  I did it twice and then he started to do it himself!  He would cover his face and then pull his pants off of his face.  I really don't think there's much this little guy can't do!

*Sorry about the obnoxious sound on this video.  I know my voice is crazy annoying, but Henry seems to like it!

What Mommy's been up to:
I have attempted to start exercising again.  (aka.  I have run twice, once last month and last night)  I am going to try to make it a habit.  I find myself constantly complaining about my body and how my clothes fit (or don't fit) and my lack of clothing that fits, and then in the same breath talk about how I shouldn't be complaining because I am doing NOTHING about it.  So, I'm going to start doing something about it.  It's just so hard because I am always here alone with Henry and can't jog with the stroller we have and we definitely don't need to buy another stroller.  I just have to get myself motivated and run when Hannes gets home from practice, at 8 o'clock at night.  I really thought this weight loss would come more easily.  I really didn't gain that much weight during my pregnancy (about 30 pounds) and I don't eat that badly and I am breast feeding.  I guess my body just really likes these extra 10 pounds.  

Henry's sleeping habits are hit or miss.  For a week he was sleeping 5 hours in a row during the night and now he's back to not sleeping through the night.  Also, he's least I think so...because sometimes he wants to eat every hour!  My nipples are almost as sore, if not more, than they were when he was first born.  He's still sleeping with us most of the night.  We put him to bed in his own bed and when he wakes up to eat he comes to sleep in our bed and then stays there the rest of the night.  I really like co-sleeping.  I have read a lot of articles that are both for and against it, but my philosophy is that you do whatever works for your and your family and this works for us.  I find that I am more restless and don't sleep as well when Henry's in his bed.  I am always listening for him.  (Especially lately.  He's had this nose cold thing going on.  His nose gets so dry and crusty and full of boogers and it's hard for him to breathe.  Sometimes, he can't really breathe and sounds like a pig.)  I'm also lazy about staying awake during those middle of the night feedings and would much rather get him latched on and then go back to sleep.

Tyler and Emily really enjoy having Henry around.  I'm sure they'll be even happier when he's a little older and can do more things.  I know I'm ready for him to be able to go to the park and swing and do stuff!

And now just to brag a little.  Today, when we were at the nurse, she made a comment about how every time Henry looks at me he smiles.  She made it sound like not all babies do that with their Moms. I know he loves me, but maybe it's more than just a normal how babies love their Moms kind of love.  Which is awesome!  And, lastly, a few weeks ago I was at my work visiting with Henry.  A coworker and I were talking and he said that he had been talking to someone else about kids (he has 1 year old twins) and they told him if he needed any parenting tips to talk to me because I have three amazing kids!  Wow!  I was so happy to hear that!  I have found that if you want to have great children it's a lot of work and usually requires you to punish yourself.  I mean, grounding your kid from a sleepover is really a punishment for you.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Just Keepin' It Real

I figured why not just show you some candid photos of our apartment.  It is very "lived in", but I'm sure anyone with three kids can understand!  It is clean on Saturdays when we do all of our cleaning, but then slowly goes down hill during the week.  So, here it is.

Emily's side of their bedroom.  She didn't know what to wear this morning hence the pile of clothes on the floor.

Tyler's side of the bedroom and their shared desk and bookshelf.

The kitchen as seen from Emily and Tyler's room.  The door connects to their bedroom.

No, we didn't do dishes last night.

Thanks for the Dunkin' Donuts coffee Mom!!

View of the bathroom from the door.

Putting our bathroom shower situation into perspective!

The tornado/living/dining room area.  I think I'm supposed to be folding that laundry that Hannes washed on Sunday...whoops!

I know that we're all friends and no one will be judging me from these photos!  There are no pictures of our bedroom because Henry is in there sleeping.  However, if you've seen any of my selfie photos from my pregnancy then you know what it looks like!

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We're Moving!

We weren't quite ready to move, but I guess I'm happy we're going to have more space!  In Sweden, you have to give three months notice when you move out of an apartment.  You basically sign a contract for life.  It never expires, but if you decide you want to leave you have to let them know three months in advance.  It's kind of a long story, but I'll give you the bullet point edition.

-My work found this apartment for us before we moved here and signed the contract we have with our landlord.
- Our landlord also owned an apartment that a coworker lived in.
- My coworker moved out and left a mess.
- Since my work was on the contract they got stuck paying for it!
- Head office said no more being on contracts.
- We talked to our landlord and asked to be on the contract instead of my work.  He said no, but made it sound like it would be a yes IF my work cancelled their contract.
- My work cancelled their contract.
- We never heard from our landlord about a contract!

I don't know if that actually made the story any shorter.  Anyhow, we were going to be homeless as of December 31st; unless we found a new place.  Which, let me assure you, is no easy task!  There are probably between 10 and 15 companies in Jönköping/Huskvarna that own apartment bulidings.  If you want one of those you have to sign up to be on their list, and there are probably 50 people in line ahead of you...if not more!  There are also apartments owned by individuals and most of those get listed on blocket (which is just like craigslist).  However, they are usually rented out within hours of being put up.  It's really not easy to find a place and apartment owners have no clue if they'll have an apartment available or when.  Hannes and I have applied for at least 4 apartments and lost them to people who were faster.  So, when we got a call that an apartment was available (even though it's a little more than we wanted to spend) we had to say yes!

We currently live in Huskvarna (which is kind of like a sister city to Jönköping - the 9th largest city in Sweden!  Population 89,000...ha!).  Both of these cities are situated on the southern tip of Sweden's second largest lake, Vättern.  We are going to be moving to downtown Jönköping, it's about a ten minute drive from where we live now.  Our apartment building is situated between Vättern and a smaller lake, Munksjön.

The building that we are moving to is brand new and isn't finished yet.  Our apartment doesn't face either lake (which is probably why it was still available and we were able to get it!).

Our apartment is somewhere in the building on the right side.  On the second floor and it has a walk out patio onto the rooftop courtyard.

Here's the floor plan:

Emily's bedroom is the one that's labeled SOVA 1.  Sova means bedroom.  Äta is where we are going to put our dining room table.  Umgås is the living room.  Hannes' and my bedroom is SOVA 2.  We're taking the larger one because it's the only place our bed will fit and Henry is still going to be sleeping in our room for a little while longer.  Tyler will be in the room next door.  Labeled ÄTA/SOVA because it could be either a dining room or a bedroom.  The FRD off of Tyler's bedroom is just storage space.  The apartment isn't huge, just 925 square feet, but it's larger than what we have now.  It's just so annoyingly built that we're having a hard time figuring out how to configure our furniture.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see!  There are also no closets in our bedroom so Hannes and I are going to have to buy some kind of closet system...which will take up some space.

I'll put up some pictures after New Year's when we've gotten all of our stuff moved in!

I just realized I never posted any pictures of our apartment that we live in now.  So here are some!

The balcony door in the living room.

The balcony door/dining room.

The dining room area.

The entry hall and bathroom.  Yes, that is the size of our bathroom!  There is only a shower and the bathroom is so small that the medicine cabinet over the sink is partly in the shower.  You have to cover it with the curtain when you shower!

Kitchen.  We have since added an island cart next to the cabinet.

Living room/Dining room

*Disclaimer:  These pictures were taken right after we moved and do not include any pictures of the bedrooms (I don't know why).  Our place has gotten much more crowded/messy/lived in since then!  Which is why you're not getting any pictures that were taken today!

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Random Thoughts

This morning my alarm went off in the middle of a dream, a dream only a mother could have.  The kids and I were hanging out in a coffee shop (more specifically, the coffee a shop an old high school classmate is opening in St. Louis) when Henry had a massive poop.  It was very graphic in my dream...I'll spare you the details.  As I was in the process of cleaning up this mess my alarm went off.  I woke up thinking, "What the heck!  Really?  That's what I get to dream about now?!"  I deal with this in real life on a weekly basis, if not more, and now I get to dream about it too!

I've also noticed lately that the more kids you have the more you hone your ability to tune things out.  Hannes is definitely not at the same place that I am with this.  He often gets annoyed by things I cannot even hear.  Some days everyone will be home and there will be noise and stuff going on and then twenty minutes later I realize I don't hear anything.  Everyone is gone and I have a very faint memory that someone may have spoken to me about this, but I'm not really sure.

I think a lot about living in Sweden.  Some days the distance from my family feels like nothing.  I go about my every day life and the days, weeks, months just pass by and I don't really think about how far away we live.  I enjoy my life here.  I mean teachers are only allowed to teach 18 hours a week!  That's a breeze!  I was teaching 25 hours a week.  But then other days I have these nearly debilitating attacks about just how far away I actually am.  I wish I could just put a crinkle in the map and move Sweden closer to the US.

This is what happens when Daddy changes Henry's diaper:

Here are some of the results of a fantastic photo shoot Tyler did:

And finally, a video of Henry's adorable laugh:

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Sunday, September 15, 2013


About a month ago I finished a really special crochet project.  One of my oldest friends, Brandy, is pregnant with her first baby.  A little girl named Charlotte who is due in November.  She put some pictures of her bedding up on her blog.

The very next day I was at the yarn store!  I knew I wanted to crochet something for baby Charlotte.  I decided on a crib size blanket using this pattern from People Webs.

This pattern is worked with two strands of yarn held together so the end result is a chunky, warm blanket.  I love this pattern for a little girl.  It reminds me of a flower.  I think it should be warm for a winter baby.  Since I had to buy two skeins of yarn of each color I had some yarn left over after I finished this blanket.  You remember the lamb hat I crocheted for Henry...I used some of this extra yarn.  Then the yarn just kept staring at me and taunting me to make something else.  So, I did!  I made a smaller, stroller size blanket for baby Charlotte.  I used this ripple pattern from Attic 24.  It's a great size for a stroller or the car seat or laying on the couch on a rainy day.

Sorry Charlee, Henry tested out your blanket!  It was Henry approved!  Look at that excited arm...he can barely keep it still.  I hope baby Charlotte enjoys these blankets as much as I enjoyed making them!

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