Monday, July 15, 2013


So, we have had the joy of being Baby Henry's parents for five weeks now.  I still cannot believe what a sweet boy we have!  I cannot take my eyes off of him and have a hard time sharing him with other people.  No, I am not worried that you will drop my baby...I just want to hold him!  When I think back to the beginning of my pregnancy I cannot believe that I ever wanted a girl.  Little boys are the sweetest!

Everyone knows that newborns are time consuming and hard work, but until you have one "knowing" is not enough.  I've done this twice before and I thought I was prepared for the peeing/pooping on clothes and the spitting up and the constant feeding, but I was wrong!  During the first few weeks we would sometimes have 15 minute/3 outfit diaper changes.  Boys are especially difficult in the beginning.  You have to fold their diaper down to protect their umbilical cord stump, but then their pee just shoots out of their diaper.  Awesome!  Basically every time he peed we'd have to change his clothes and the waterproof pad he slept on, then of course he would spit up on his shirt - that would get changed, and then he would poop.  Fun!  At least he's really cute!

 We got really lucky and Henry loves to sleep!  He's never had a problem sleeping...actually he has a problem with being awake.  He is generally only awake for about an hour at a time and that includes the time he is feeding.  If I want to go to bed at 8 pm, I can, if I want to sleep until 2 pm, I can do that, too.  Granted, I do have to feed him every two hours, but I don't really have to be that awake for that.

Being his Mom is amazing and he makes me want to have more babies!  When he wakes up and looks at me and gives me his big toothless smiles my heart melts.  When he says "Ma" me he does!  I just want to die!  He is the cutest thing ever!  (Sorry Emily and Tyler, but it's been a loooong time since you've had sweet, baby milk breath!)

I'm one month old!  Thanks for the bow-tie Aunt Jessie!

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