Friday, April 5, 2013

Empty Nest

I am guessing this is how people feel when their children grow up and move away.  It's a very strange feeling to go from a full house to an empty nest.

We had our first visitors this past week and it was kind of a tight fit in our small apartment and we had a wild toddler!  There was lots of noise and running and playing, some getting annoyed and a little arguing, of course.  Overall, I think everyone had a great week; we were able to do a lot of things!  We spent a night in Copenhagen and a night in Gothenburg.  We spent a few nights here in Jönköping/Huskvarna.  We did a lot of walking!  I mean a lot!!!  I'm kind of surprised I was able to make it, especially since I feel like this baby belly of mine has doubled in the past week.  He's getting really heavy to carry around and I still have 8 weeks left!  I am really not sure if/how I am going to make it.  I kind of feel like Violet from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, after she ate that gum and turned into a giant blueberry!  I am waiting for the Oompah Loompahs to come and roll me out to be juiced...I think I would feel a lot better!

Try not to look too closely at the picture.  It is sans makeup after a 2 hour drive from Gothenburg, but since I skipped last week and feel like being lazy all weekend I figured it was the best it was going to get.  Lately, I find that my belly "dips" into a lot of stuff; like, the kitchen and bathroom sink, the counter top and other places, and I get stuff on me under the belly.  Which, of course, I cannot see so I end up walking around with a wet or dirty stripe under my belly all of the time.  I'm sure it's pretty funny to other people.

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