Henry's Stats
Weight: 9.5 kilos (I think. This is based off of Henry climbing onto the bathroom scale and weighing himself.)
Height: Not sure
Head circumference: Not sure
Teeth: 8 (We are finally symmetrical on the bottom! Yay!)
Favorite foods: grapes and watermelon
What Henry's been up to:
Henry has really been getting into the swing of summer. We have been spending lots of time playing on our rooftop. Sometimes, he really enjoys the sandbox and other times he refuses to play IN the sandbox, but will play with a random bucket of sand that he finds. Which is fun until he throws the shovel over the side of the roof and down onto some people enjoying some frozen yoghurt below. True story! Hannes did find the shovel and said it landed between the building and the table the people were sitting at.
He also enjoyed his first popsicle. Of course, it was pear flavored. There is something very Swedish about pear stuff. They love it and so does Henry!
He enjoyed most of his popsicle this way, but he did start touching it with his hands, pulled pieces off and got everything extremely sticky. I think our next popsicle experience will be naked with a hose nearby! Henry also really enjoys talking on the phone. Hannes lets him play with his phone sometimes and he walks around talking to people. Hannes also always puts it on speakerphone when he calls his parents and Henry will grab the phone, walk around and say hi continuously while they talk.
Henry is really loving bath time! If you mention bathing he will walk straight to the bathroom door and stand there while saying bath, bath, bath. We don't have a tub so Henry is still using his baby bath tub. I think he will soon outgrow it, but he loves to splash in there! We enjoy giving him fun hairstyles.
Henry also got his first pair of real pajamas. He generally sleeps in leggings and a t-shirt…which are pretty much pajamas, but this is his first real, legit pair of pajamas. I almost died when he suddenly turned into a kindergartner when he put them on!
He is seriously so old and crazy big when he wears those! Since his birthday is just around the corner…it is on SUNDAY! I cannot believe that he is going to be one! It is insane how quickly time can fly, but a few presents have been trickling in for him. Mostly from Grandma and he is having a blast with them! He loves being in the kitchen and playing with all of our pots and pans and kitchen stuff so my Mom got him his own kitchen stuff. He is obsessed with them! He is always cooking stuff and tasting it and having us taste it. We might just have a chef in the making!
He also got the most adorable pair of dinosaur tennis shoes! Which he wore to the library today and looked like a total hipster baby in his skinny cords…that may be getting a little too skinny. They are definitely a little different for him to walk in, compared to his leather moccasins. I just had to take a video of him tromping around the library in them.
He has been talking like crazy and ‘saying’ so many words. I really think that he is going to be an early talker! He also loves to make animal noises, especially dog noises. Dogs are still his favorite animals and he loves chasing them around while yelling ruff, ruff, ruff. He can also say hoppa, hoppa (Swedish for hop)…he does this with his frog and bunny. He also says lampa (Swedish for lamp). He can say door and bath and bye bye. I do think that he really understands what these words mean, but he also does a lot of babbling. Especially, when he is alone in his bed in the morning.
What Mommy’s been up to:
Now that Henry is almost 1 I am going to join a gym. Then I will have no excuses not to lose these last 10 pounds! I think that slowing down with breastfeeding has also helped me to lose some of the weight. As weird as it sounds, I think I am one of the few people that holds onto fat/weight when breastfeeding. Fantastic! Hannes is also going to be on vacation for 5 weeks this summer so I will have some free time during the day and evening to take some classes and workout. I am actually really excited about getting back into an exercising routine.
I am extremely ready to completely wean Henry, but he is just not ready. Some days, he wants to nurse as much as he did when he was a newborn…every 2-3 hours…despite the fact that I don’t really produce much milk. I can definitely see how Moms get suckered into nursing toddlers. I always said I would quit when he had teeth, that happened at 5 months and I still continued nursing. Then I thought I would quit when he had many teeth, but not much later he started getting 6 teeth at once! So, we kept on trucking. Now, he knows what he wants and he will come over to me and try to pull my shirt up or down all while chanting either mama or ninnie (a family nickname for boob…could be spelled ninny, not really sure). He drinks 3 bottles a day, sometimes 2. He always has one before nap time and one before bed time. Sometimes, there is one thrown in in the morning, mostly to give my poor nipples a break. So, it isn’t like he NEEDS to nurse. I think he likes it and finds it comforting and maybe since he doesn’t use a pacifier anymore he needs more sucking action then he is getting. Who knows! I really think that when he starts daycare in August it will be easy to completely stop, since we won’t see each other during the day and until then we can just see what happens.
I am thinking about doing a separate post about sleeping because it is just too much to get into here...