Friday, July 6, 2012


On Wednesday we took a day trip to Jönköping...well, really Huskvarna, to see where we would be living.  We stopped by my school, which is absolutely amazing!  Went by the apartment and then drove past the school the kids will be attending.  The weather was absolutely amazing so we decided to head to the lake, get some ice cream and just look around.  The city is absolutely charming...cobblestone streets, little shops, restaurants, a pier that you can walk out into the lake on and even sandy beaches!  I am definitely looking forward to being able to hang out there next month!  The largest lake is freezing cold and not really the best for swimming, but luckily there are several much smaller lakes that are warmer and much better to take a dip in.  Our apartment looked pretty nice.  It's only two bedrooms so it's definitely going to much smaller than what we are used to, but hopefully it's only temporary.  We also found out how much we were going to be paying in rent...6,672 kronor/month!  It's a lot more than we were expecting.  Since it's so small and in a smaller city I was thinking it'd be closer to 5,000, but we had NO other options so I guess we will have to make it work!  Hannes just needs to find a job soon!

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